Third Molars/Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are also called third molars. Third molars typically come in (erupt into the mouth) between the ages of 17-25 years. However the number of third molars that may erupt varies from 0-4. Third Molar Fun Facts Third molars helped our ancestors grind plant...

Keys To A Healthy and Beautiful Smile

When the build-up of plaque is left unchecked for greater than 24hrs, the negative effects on the teeth and gums can be widespread and long-term. Plaque forms on teeth when the carbohydrates from food is left on the teeth for a period of time. Bacteria that is present...

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is recommended for patients who want a brighter, whiter smile. The treatments we recommend are completely non-invasive. The two options we recommend are bleaching trays and whitening strips. For patients 13 years and older, at home white strips are...

Dental Emergencies

When a situation occurs and your child’s tooth is hurting, we understand it can be a stressful situation for parent and child. An emergency can range from a tooth ache to a chipped tooth. Dental emergencies don’t always happen during regular business...